How to edit existing modifiers:
- Select the Menu in Partner Portal.
- Click on the Modifier Groups tab
- To edit an existing Modifier select the Modifier Group that it lives in.
- To edit a Modifier, click the pencil (on the right-hand side). You can edit all available fields.
- To delete a Modifier select the remove button (on the right-hand side)
- To organize modifiers, select the dotted-square icon (on the left-hand side) and drag it to the desired position. Click Save.
Internal Display Name
This field is optional but is helpful for internal restaurant operations. It can be used to display modifier menu numbers or specific instructions that are displayed on the operator facing side. For example, Modifier Group titles are not always displayed on the merchant side, so this field can help clarify if customers are requesting modifiers such as substitutions or removal of ingredients.
Note: When editing modifiers, it is encouraged to completely delete existing modifiers instead of editing titles. This will prevent any overlooked mistakes in forgetting to edit internal display names or customer quick re-orders.
How to edit the fields in Modifiers:
Navigate to the Modifier Groups tab in Menu Manager, and search or select the modifier group you would like to edit.
1. Click on the modifier group or the pencil on the right side.
2. Scroll down to Modifiers and select the modifier that you would like to update.
3. To update the modifier name, update the Modifier Title field and click “Save”.
Note: When editing modifiers, it is encouraged to completely delete existing modifiers instead of editing titles. This will prevent any overlooked mistakes in forgetting to edit internal display names or customer quick re-orders.
4. To update the modifier price, update the Modifier Price field and click Save.
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