You control how your discount works! Discounts can be applied to all orders or can be exclusive to pick-up or delivery. There is no percentage or dollar limit to setting up your discount - you can offer 5%, 15%, or $20 off - it’s totally up to you!
Get Started
Admin or Editor users can navigate to Partner Portal and head to the Discounts tab where you will see your Discounts page. Active & upcoming discounts are visible in your Discounts page in Partner Portal. Completed discount campaigns are also available in a separate tab for your convenience!
Click Create New Campaign.
Choose a Campaign Type.
Choose which orders to offer the discount to.
Customize your discount!
Select your campaign dates. Campaigns end at your store closing hour or 11:59PM of the selected end date. You can schedule campaigns to take effect immediately or schedule them in advance. Only one campaign can be active at any given time.
Click Save Campaign and you're all set!
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