Ritual orders will be sent to you via an Android phone (your ordering device), which will display the customer’s name, photo, and order.
Acceptthe order on your device, and choose the prep time based on your capacity; customers are notified when they should arrive for pick-up.
Accept all orders as soon as possible to enhance your customer’s experience. If you experience out-of-stock inventory, orders can be rejected (this menu item will not be orderable for the rest of the day and will come back online tomorrow).
Once you’ve accepted the order, start preparing the order.
Orders should be labelled with the customer’s name using a Ritual sticker,or written directly on the packaging, and placedbeside the Ritual pick-up sign where they are easily visible.
If multiple customer orders are associated with the order, please label the orders according to the following format: Customer Name (Part 1), Customer Name (Part 2), Customer Name (Part 3).
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