Some regions have specific tax settings required for certain foods, sugary items, or drinks.
From your initial set up, your profile tax settings are defaulted to the region that you are located in, so all items will be taxed at that default rate, unless a custom tax rate is set. Alternatively, tax rates may differ from the default rate if special requests (i.e - tax inclusive prices) were made during the initial set up. For specific inquiries regarding your tax settings, reach out to our Partner Support team at
For specific items that may have different tax settings than your default, you can set a custom tax rate for the item by checking off the box and inputting the custom rate. This can be found under the Price field in any item.
For modifiers that need to be taxed differently than the item (such as a Hot Food Tax with a “Toasted” modifier), custom modifier tax rates can be adjusted at the modifier level.
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